Kingman Wine Food Pairings
These unique Colorado wine pairings have been created by Brenda Rumery for Kingman Estates Winery.
A little about Brenda:
One day talking with family and friends about traveling: someone turned to me and stated, “You remember where you have been by what you ate. “ I realized they were right! From a crusty roll bought on the beach in Mazatlan when I was 8 years old to breakfast sausage in England (awful by the way) when I was in my 20’s, to wonderful meals I share with dear ones, that is what I remember. I also worked on a truck farm for 6 years selling fresh fruit and vegetables, hearing from customers many different ways they made their goodies; and in a spice shop for 2 years where I expanded my knowledge so much about flavors, smells and taste.
Food, second to my family, makes me happy, you will find me in the kitchen, reading, experimenting, eating and drinking.